Festivals Around the World

There are several different festivals taking place all over Asia. Some of them have already reached the world famous status. However, some others are less known to the public and still portrait the original rituals and traditions.

Festivals Are Popular Worldwide

In northern China, the Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival takes place every year between January and February.  This festival showcases fantastic sculptures as well as 100 metres tall ice buildings. The festival is meant to celebrate the winter-time traditions in northern-east China. Originally, local farmers and fishermen used to make windproof lanterns out of ice buckets. In fact, by icing the water and chiselling a hole on top of the bucket, they were able to place a candle inside. This was a fairly common practice for those who worked and lived around the lake.


Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tracyhunter/8538154064/
Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tracyhunter/8538154064/

Taiwanese Festivals

If instead of the ice-cold Siberian weather the holiday-maker wishes to opt for a warmer destination, the Taiwan Lantern Festival offers bright lights, streets activities and much more.

Held in the Pingxi District, this festivity is also observed by the Chinese and Vietnamese community.

As per tradition, fireworks ignites the evening from Wumiao Temple, warding off all evil and diseases. Lanterns on the other hand were originally released to let others know that the town was safe. The two events are known today as” Fireworks in the South, Sky Lanterns in the North”

The lanterns are generally released at once, adorned with glittery decorations as well as the wishes and dreams. This is by far the most emotional and romantic moment of the celebration.

Indian Festivals

Last but not least, the Holi Festival of Colours in India deserves a special mention. While most might enjoy a night at the casino. For others, the idea of dancing in the midst of a coloured powder shower has no equal.

Originally a Hindu festivity, this celebration exalts love and peace. For most Indians, this is the time of the year for reconciliation. Old conflicts are ended and love is celebrated. It is not hard to understand why this festival is becoming increasingly popular!

Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sgerner/8629550062/
Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sgerner/8629550062/

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